You, Of My Heart
Oral stories have always captured my imagination. As a child I was held captive by the tales of my relatives, stories of “back home” : what life was like there, before the second world war and the aftermath, the circumstances of their leaving, and the first impressions of their adopted country and the early experiences in their new home.
I have always regretted not documenting these stories while these relatives were still around to clarify details and expand on events. These stories are now dedicated to memory. I remain very aware of the emotional and psychological impact as well as providing an endless source of inspiration.
This show was born out of a desire to celebrate the stories of the people in my life. You Of My heart, celebrates five women, not usually given to celebration, who have long been a source of inspiration and friendship.
Their stories were video recorded over several hours, 3/5 over FaceTime. The stories are very involved, sometimes causing pain in the retelling. These recordings became what fuelled this show; the recordings themselves are for another time, another project. The drawings record a precise moment in the telling of these personal stories - the time code noted is the moment the video was paused, the subject in fact “sitting” electronically for the portrait.
The sculptures and text were created in response to these interviews- describing the essence of these women, and what they mean to me. So this installation is a love letter dedicated to some dear friends. Thank you for this magnificent privilege. I hope I did you proud.